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Advocates Co-Response Training & Technical Assistance Center

As we continue moving through our collective life in the Covid-19 pandemic, we at Advocates Co-Response Training and Technical Assistance Center (CR-TTAC) have worked with our partners to offer care while also being members of our shared communities.

Each month, we will highlight reflections from members of our clinical staff who share what they have been learning, offering, receiving, and thinking about as they engage this work in challenging circumstances.

This month, Melissa Duarte - Jail Diversion Supervisor, Watertown PD - shares  her thoughts in response to each of the three guiding questions we offered.

Melissa's Reflections

What has been most life-giving?

Being able to continue to co-respond and support individuals in-person throughout the entire pandemic.

What has been most difficult or challenging for you?

Trying to support individuals and families through an added layer of challenges and barriers.

What have you been learning through engaging this work during a pandemic?

I have been learning how powerful face-to-face interaction really is.